Monday, May 25, 2020

How can social media aid your employee search

How can social media aid your employee search Recruitment can be a costly, time-consuming process but there are ways to speed up your search for the right candidates. Using social media to promote your job opening, for instance, is just one of the many ways to attract talented professionals â€" and if you don’t want to do much online recruiting yourself there are always companies like The SmartList to help you out. With this in mind let’s take a closer look at how Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter and other platforms can help aid your employee search: You can cast your net wide By sharing your new job opening on social networking sites, you can essentially cast your net wide and find the most suitable candidates around. Start by sharing the link with all your fans and followers on sites like Twitter and Facebook and you’ll probably find the link is retweeted and shared to other users who might be interested in the role. News travels fast online, so it is well-worth putting your job advert out there â€" just don’t forget to include clear instructions on how to apply along with relevant and up-to-date contact details.  [amazon template=productasin=B00EUF4Z8Y] Make the most of video marketing When it comes to filling vacancies at your company, it’s important to let future candidates know a little about where they could be working. Video marketing is ideal for this as it will allow you to be as creative as possible while simultaneously giving potential employees an insight into the working environment they’ll enter. Post your material to popular social network site, YouTube, and you’ll hopefully promote your company as well as find the ideal employee. Search for job candidates on LinkedIn                                                                                     These days, many professionals create a detailed profile on LinkedIn to help them land the career of their dreams. In fact, LinkedIn is made up of a community of 161 professionals worldwide, so if you want access to the best talent around, this is certainly the place to come. This popular site offers premium accounts for companies looking to recruit and give you access to all kinds of unique features such as advanced search filters and free InMails per month which allow you to contact anyone on LinkedIn. According to LinkedIn itself the site: combines job listings, candidate search, trusted referrals and the power of networks to give you results, so why not advertise your job opening here as well as flick through the wide range of profiles and CVs for a new addition to your team? After all, there are many highly-skilled individuals just waiting to be headhunted. Utilise industry-specific job boards Did you know that industry-specific job boards are popping up all over social media? Graduates and talented professionals are even being directed to these sites such as MediaBistro’s Facebook page for job openings and industry information, so it’s worth keeping an eye out and networking with potential candidates. Often, the most skilled people will join industry specific social media groups simply to stay informed, so contacting individuals who pique your interest could lead to a hiring opportunity. Social media can undoubtedly assist with your search for the ideal candidate, so give the above tips a try!

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